Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcome to the family

Name : Shorty
Age : 6 month
Breed : Maltese
Sex : Female
Fav Foods :Everything eatable
Hobbies : Biting , eating , rolling on pile of dust


Saturday, December 26, 2009

kAWAII Clothes for Babies

Selling Cute tops and pants for babies !!

COME AND HAVE A LOOK ....SUPER DUPER CUTE ....make me wanna have some babies too play dress up ....

To purchase .. please log into this blog .....

( I kindda help my fern to advertist onli )

Friday, December 25, 2009

My Adopted Son ( thru World Vision )

I have a adopted son ...yippie ....

i become his sponser through World Vision Malaysia .......

See this pic .....super cheeky boy rite ? he is onli 7 years old cute boy ....

Here is his profile ...

You can communicate with this kid by sending him letters and small gifts ( socks , statonary) cool !!!

The kid will also write to you and send u letters and updates rite ???

you guys can get ur own adopted kids by sponsor a child today thro this website :

From next month onwards , i need to remind myself to bank in money to world vision d ...

Chistmas Gift from God ....

Yesterday evening , I receive a call from an unknown number .......

It is from XXXXN company .....

HR Lady : Hello , may i speak to Peiyong
me : Yes , peiyong speaking
HR Lady : I would like to offer you a position as a process engineer in our company .Your salary would be ...rmxxxx , with bla bla bla benefits. Would you like to accept our offer .
me : I would need to have a look at the offer letter first.
HR Lady : If that the case , I would get back to you on Mon . I will scan and email the offer letter to you now .
me : thank you

IM not sure whether should I accept this offer or not ...the pay is good , the benefits is good but i heard bad things bout the company ......

em .....
neway , any company would be better than my current company ....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Mentally Tired

Another day had pas ..another day of brain torture and brain damage session ...more boring work to do again .....

I spend the whole day doing data entry .......loosing my patience ......

God give me this words " Just a Little While Longer " ..........loosing my patience but I need to keep reminding myself patience God wont let u thro something tht he thinks tht u cant handle it ....

Gonna start doing this soon .......

My parents came up to visit last weekend ...miss them so so much ...too bad ...they did not bring my Elmo ...sad sad ........ how i miss home so much ....
My parents getting really comfortable ....:P i guess this gonna be there vacation home ...... as they brought extra pillows and blanket ...and they left it here ......for their next trip .....

Will update the blog on their trip ...gonna off study for my interview tomoro ..... and practise my guitar playing on the song " Cai Hong" by Jay chow

Friday, December 18, 2009


OMG ...



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

mY wORK .....

One Project got 50 products ....
Each products contain 6 documents .....
Total documents needed to finish = 50x6 = 300 documents
Total Catalog # , Work Instruction # , Work Instruction number = estimated 60 per page ....

Total Changes need to do = infinity .....FUCK ....

WHO WANS TO BE MY ADMIN WORKER ??? I would pay any form5 kids to do this job of mine ....

which engineer would do work like this ...OMG ..... this is not an engineer job ....this is an admin job .....

My First Christmas Tree

Christmas is around the corner ...finally marcus & I got our own christmas tree ...yippie ...

This gonna be a new start for both of us ....celebrating christmas in our own house ....

Yesterday , we spend time together decorating the tree present yet under the tree .....

Finsh product

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Freaking Bored At Home

Marcus went for chess game n I am stuck at home alone .....freaking boring ....

shit .... i really need to make more ferns in Pg ....nothing to do here .....

Friday, December 11, 2009

Should I get a dog ????

On wed , I was casually brousing through to check out whether any interesting buy .... I am lack of shopping activities u knw ....Pg is pretty boring as compare to Selangor ....

Than I saw this ....

Arent she super cute ...... ???

Yesterday night , went over to have a look at her ...and she was adorAble ........ hairless but adorable .....and do not bark .....the owner charging us rm800 for a 5 month old maltese ....

Em ...should i get her ?? Kindda broke this month ........

Monday, December 7, 2009

No Direction ......

Life seems meaningless ...... nothing seems interesting anymore ...... life use to be interesting , challenging , something to look forward to everyday , something that I would work for ....

But now ....nothing seems interesting .......

Ben's Bachelor Party

Last weekend ... our fren, Ben finally got married ....congrats to him .....

Hanging out in outdoor tub in Shangri-la Rasa Sayang ....lovely ....
such a wonderful romantic place ........

Marcus got drunk ....super duper cute ..... got drunk with Barcadi ....His Face is so red ....

Marcus got drunk ....super duper cute ..... got drunk with Barcadi ....

Stolen rose ....from wedding reception .....Thanks to Mee Lin & Matthew for the lovely rose .....

Ben got so drunk .....
Pity Him ...kena force .....

Down 1 bottle of MOET .......

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My First Meal

First time I cooked in my new house ....and first time i went to market to shop for fish , pork , vegs ........

The menu for today :
1.ABC Soup
2. Fried Fish
3. Cucumber and sambal

My New Place in Penang

Just moved to Penang like nearly 4 weeks .....
Being really busy moving into new house , getting used to new places in Penang , looking for new job ........

Here are some sneak peak of my new place ....(I spend rm8k on this place ..)

Just Brought my plant today ....cos me rm10 ....

New House = New Pet

Being in PG for nerly 4 weeks ....kindda getting used to the life here .........being really busy with work and moving and looking for new job .....

I will update the pics of my new place in the next post ....

For this post thinking of what breed type of dog should i get :

Out of the so many different breed of dogs , kindda narrow down to 2 breeds :

1.Pug .....

Advantages of this breed:
1.Loves to sleep
2.Not yappy ( dun bark cos they are just plain Lazy )

1.Fugly ....PLAIN FUGLY .....
2.Tham Jiak ....according to some research I done ....they will follow whoever tht feedthem ....
3.Not Fur ...i like fury stuffs
4.Fat .......

My Second Choice :

1. Silky Terrier

Advantages of this breed:
1.Mini Breed ..... such a cutie ....totally match my image ..can hide in my bad and bring her out
2.Very Loyal
3.Got Fur

1.Freaking Yappy
2.Need to groom --- more money spend
3.Freaking Hyper ....

Which should I CHOOSE ?? THE FUGLY OR THE CUTIE ????

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I am Moving to Penang

SHIT ...I am moving to penang in 3 more days .........excited and sad at the same time

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The secret to a happy marriage [scientifically]

Was reading through some stuffs on lowyat and saw this ......

The secret to a happy marriage for men is choosing a wife who is smarter and at least five years younger than you, say UK experts.

These pairings are more likely to go the distance, particularly if neither has been divorced in the past, according to the Bath University team.

The findings predict a happy future for pop star Beyonce Knowles, 28, and rapper husband Jay-Z, 39.

The work is published in the European Journal of Operational Research.

The researchers studied interviews of more than 1,500 couples who were married or in a serious relationship.

Five years later, they followed up 1,000 of the couples to see which had lasted.

For better or worse

They found that if the wife was five or more years older than her husband, they were more than three times as likely to divorce than if they were the same age.

If the age gap is reversed, and the man is older than the woman, the odds of marital bliss are higher.

Add in a better education for the woman - Beyonce has her high school diploma, unlike husband Jay-Z - and the chances of lasting happiness improve further.

Those who have never divorced fare better too. But couples in which one member has been through a divorce in the past are less stable than those in which both members are divorcees.

Dr Emmanuel Fragniere and colleagues do say that men and women choose partners "on the basis of love, physical attraction, similarity of taste, beliefs and attitudes, and shared values."

But they say that using "objective factors" such as age, education and cultural origin "may help reduce divorce".

Friday, October 9, 2009


Im stuck in CHINA for the last few weeks ......this is such a horrible month for me ..... having my mood swings ( PMS ) , no one to release on , no one to talk to , no one to hug , no one to go shopping with .... just feel so lonely ...........

Thats why I finally did the most sane thing ..I hand in my resignation letter last day would be on the 6Th Nov ...after tht I am moving to the new face of my life ....

which is stuck i PG with him ..........

Lets just hope my job is as nice as FMME last time and pays well too....if not im gonna chop in into small peices ....that guy made me give up my career and my comfort for him ...huge sacrifice ya ......

Moving to Pg is a super huge thing to me ....staying with ur bf is like the next time of getting married ........i guess moving in together is kindda testing out the water .......

We already rented a house in PG for rm500 ... -_- planning to buy for furnitures eg LCD TV, SOFA , Bed ...... dunno how much it would cost also .......

stay updates on how i gonna deco my house ...i am so excited bout it :P

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tea Cup Pigs As PET ....Hottest Trend In Britain ....

British people are just plain weird ....... I went thro some article and came across this ........

Tea Cup Pigs as pet .......hottest trend now in Britain ....people noways are just so creative first they come out with tea cup poodles, tea cup maltese and now tea cup pigs ......... just plain weird ...

In the article , it stated also tht pigs are one of the smartest , most intelligent creatures other than humans , monkeys and dolphin ... em pig ?? always tot pig are just plain stupid .....I kindda doubt that statement .... If pigs are as smart as monkeys or dolphins ...why wouldn't any scientist send pigs to the moon or mayb make them into a research subjects ..... ???

Get back to the topic ..... this tea cup pig is just so cute ...

so small and tiny with black spots on them .........
this is what they look like when they turn adult ...........disgusting ......

U knw what is the advantage I see if we Malaysian having this tea cup pig as pet ???
Answer : when young ....we keep them as pets at home ...cos they r so cute and adorable .... but when they turn out to be huge ugly pig ......we cooked them into BAK KUT TEH .....

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Funny things People Eat IN CHINA

Stuck in China for few weeks was horrible ....the foods sucks , the people sucks and lastly I am bored ...

I went to some weird restaurants and found things that China people eat but Malaysian wont even dare to touch it ....

First ...we shall start with something adorable ....

Its a watermelon .....super duper cute n small ........
In china ..there are this species of water melon which is around the size of ur palm super adorable ....
It is so cute tht i keep it in the fridge until it went bad ..... too cute to be eaten ....

Second ....... see the picture below ......guess what is it ?

at first when i saw it ...i though it was a chick ....... but we got some clarification from the waitress that it is a small pigeon .
Neway , it still doesn't make any difference ...... imagine something so cute and adorable get served onto our dinner plate .....shouldnt we be human enough it let the poor thing see the world before it die.However some would argue and say tht we should kill something when it was young as they do not knw anything .....

Doesnt matter ....tht little birdy still die sad ...see the small cute fried head .....

3rd thing ....

Some small insect ....dunno what is tht also ...look like water cockroach discussing ...according to some of my china colleques ...they usually fried it with chilli ......ewwwwww .........

4th is ........SNAKES ........disgusting water snake ......

They sell this thing everywhere .....but is not cheap .......

There are many things they eat such as water worms ..........which is so call good for health , dog meat , frogs chance to take any pics ...

I guess in China with the population of few millions is better to eat anything to moves....if not u prob starve with hunger ...cant afford to be choosy ....

5th Year Aniversary ......

Our actual anniversary is on 26th Sept but we couldn't celebrate it as im stuck in China no choice ...that we postpone it to yesterday .....

Baby ..... we have knw each other for 5 years ...cant believe that time passes by so fast .....
Until today I am glad I went to UTM ... :P

Baby Marcus surprise me with a cute bouquet of roses when he pick me up from my house sweet of him ...
He surprise me to this Italian Restaurant call Sassorosso , a mansion near KLCC .....

That place was surperb ....the place is so romantic ...candle lite dinner with the view of KLCC Twin Tower ....romantica ...perfecto ....
we are serve bread basket with olive oil & vineger .....

we ordered 2 dish , one apetizer and another main meal ....

we order caeser salad and another pasta dish ....

the salad was ok nia ....the chicken is tastey n full of favour however the salad was a bit dry we asked for extra sauce ...n we realize the sauce is diluted ...... disappointing

the funny part for our main dish was .....4 pieces of pasta --_--

and the dish cost rm42 ( without including tax) ...
the taste was different n unique .........
but not feeling at all ..n thank god there r onli 4 pieces after eaten 2 ...already quite jelak ....
My lovely BF ......getting more leng chai every year ....

we left the dinner place after lepaking there for another 15 minutes ...went back n have a proper dinner with him parents.... :PHAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER .......

Get to Know me !!!

14 July 2015 - age 31 , weights 37kg and height of 149cm Loves to eat delicious foods and enjoy reading . Owes 3 female betta fishes , 2 buggies , 1 maltese . You can reach me at :