Saturday, July 6, 2024

First Time with the Kids : Ice Skating

 Long weekend (Awal Muharam) on Monday ... 

As usual we are out of ideas on what to do and Hannah say she wants to go ice skating !!! 

So here we are !! Can see how excited she is ??? 

After 2 hours , myself having body ache . 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Bye 2023 and Welcome to 2024

 Hello again !! 

I have been missing for more than a year and now i am back again to write down on what i think of 2023 .

In Q1 2023 :

Jan'23 visited Pasir Gudang site  together with the team.

March'23 celebrate Sara's 3rd birthday with her babyshark birthday theme at Marcus Chess Academy.
We conduct our 2nd Beginner Camp in Subang Branch with full attendance.
My eldest girl , Hannah enter into standard 1 Lick Hung in March'23 . This journey might need another post alone.

March'23 alone i also travelled to Bangkok for teambuilding and is a wonderful experience when you are working solo and the only interaction with everyone is via teams. (Pictures in teams can be very misleading)

During this time , Sara also attended her first day of school.
We did a full CHAN and CHUA family trip together to Club Med Cherating 

In Q2 2023

Celebrated Hannah 7th Birthday 

We did multiple Sunway Lagoon trips as well as 2 staycation in Kuala Lumpur . (It is a pain to travel with Sara at this age) . 

In Q3 2023 

My 2nd hand 20 YEARS Myvi died on me leaving me no choice but to get a new car and guess what !!! 

TADAH!!! I got another Myvi !!! Yeap !! i love myvi so much and yes i brought the number plate for 2.7k after multiple attempt of bidding.

Q4 2023 : 
Visit Melaka with the kids

and visited Vietnam for work as well and was nearly force to eat snails .. 

Last trip of the year , we went back to the girls hometown Penang .Unfortunately the trip was not pleasing at all as all of us are down with flu and fever. 

2023 is a blessed year so far. Small moments across the years make such a memorable time for myself.
As you grow older, I personally feel that previous times like this need to be treasured permanently and can never be bought back with money.
Things like Sara's at 3 years old is super obsessive with anything that has Elsa's picture on them. So now she has Elsa's dresses' which she has to wear them everyday , Elsa's shoes and even Elsa's underwear . Sara is also at the stage where she will want to pick her own clothing to wear and she is very strong headed . She will wear a dress with long pants during the hot sunny afternoon .

Hannah is only 7 years old but she behaving like a 15 years old teenage girl. Talking about boys having crushes on each other in school. She loves playing roadblock and loves drawing only. She is ok to negotiate on what to wear. 

What i look forward in 2024 ???

Moving into a new double storey house with Hannah having her own room.
To continue with good job opportunity in Bayer(major reorg now) 
Marcus Chess continue to expand 
Everyone stays healthy always 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Bye 2022 and Welcome 2023

 Just realized i been away for blogging for exactly 1 year! Loosing my mojo in writing blog post nowadays and being lazy by posting pictures on fb page. 

What i think of 2022 ?

Lots of family time together especially with the 2 girls. Brought them to cuti cuti Malaysia , Trong duck farm , Penang , , Tanjung Sepat , Kuala Selangor and lots of Sunway Lagoon sessions. 

Work wise.... first half was stressful and thank god for new opportunity and praying hard that my luck dont run out soon. Enjoying my job now and current job flexibility enable me to spend more time with the girls .Remind me of Osram .

WFH enable me to spend time with them ..such as bringing them to the nearby park 
Call me bias , but i am going to miss this little girl of mine ... growing up so so fast. 

In between job manage to took 1 month break . Did some cuti cuti with the kids and lots of lazying around. 

Q3 of 2022 , Marcus open his 2nd branch of Marcus Chess Academy in Subang Jaya. Busy with the sourcing , renovation, setup , authorities approval and running the centre. Up to date , we have around 30 students . 

Malaysia 's 15th GE on 19th Nov and we change party and PM !!! This show we still a democratic country. 

2022 pass by with a blink on an eye. It's been such a fast year !!

I do look forward to 2023. Hoping that this year to be a year of opportunities for career growth as well as business growth.

Hannah will be going into standard 1 and Sara will be starting kindy . Both my girls are growing so fast and i am thankful that last 2 years i am able to spend so much time with them through working from home and with the help of our helper.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Bye Bye 2021 and Hello 2022


I have no words to describe what is 2021 for me 

In March 2021 , daddy left us forever . He lost the battle with cancer after less than 1 year of fighting. We all did not expect him to pass away so sudden . This was the lowest point . 

In May 2021 , i moved back to Subang after staying in Penang for more than 10 years !!! We finally moved back after talking about it for years . We stayed in my mom's house for few months and moved into our own home in Oct 2021 . I only actively looking for a job in KL/Selangor towards late of last year when daddy's getting sicker. I got my job offer days before daddy pass away and i also told him the good news !!! 

My last breakfast together with daddy alone . 
Every month , when i was back in Subang , daddy and me will go for breakfast together at Restaurant Capital in Up town or sometimes we will try out new Kelantanese foods. This is like me and daddy's time together . 
I remember last year when the government loosen the dine in ...daddy and me went for breakfast together for the first time after months of not able to dine in. 
I took this pic and told myself that this might be the last breakfast together , just me and him .

After daddy pass away , more bad new hit us particularly Marcus . His dad was diagnose like Lymphoma cancer and undergo treatment in Sunway. He was clear of cancer in Dec'21 and hopefully stay this way

In Sept 2021 , Shortie my beloved dog pass away due to heart failure. 

In Dec 2021, Marcus's mom was diagnose with lung cancer .. 

Overall 2021 is one of the hardest year we ever been through. Loosing 2 important figures in my life is devastating and starting a new job and new role is no fun .
Perhaps looking at an overall big picture will be a better comfort to me. No one decide who's time is up . Daddy's and Shortie's time probably is . No one knows except Mr boss up there. We have to try out best and savor each moment. 

2022 , i hope this year will be a better year . A year of healing and a year of growth 

Friday, October 8, 2021

Bye Bye Shortie

Shortie pass away on 14-Sept-2021 between 1-2am
She was diagnose with myxomatous mitral valve disease by gasing vet on mid July 2021 after i notice that she was coughing quite bad in the morning and having heavy breathing. 
She was already in stage c which is similar as cancer stage 4. 
On the night before she pass away , she was a bit quiet and i notice tat her eye was crusting and watery. I tot because she was dirty as i did not bath her for 2-3 weeks. 
Did not i know that she was going to pass away that night. The time before we all sleep , she give me a long final look . At that time i did not think of anything different. I give her a usual pet and kiss on the head. She will normally sleep on the floor of our bedroom but that night she insist on sleeping under the table next to our bed. I sleep next to her that night.
I found out that she pass away in the middle of the night when i realized suddenly the whole room was very quiet. When i touch her only i realized she no longer breathing. I do not know why that day i woke up around 1am. Maybe i am so use to her heavy breathing which calms me to sleep. 
She was having bad cough for weeks and that night as she cough badly , i told God that maybe is time to take her away and i think god actually answer my prayer. 
I am glad that she pass away in her sleep together in the bedroom with the family.

She was my eldest daughter and my loyal companion. 
10 years of life together 
Maybe is time for her to go 
I hope you and daddy are reunited ... and hope u both will fetch me when my time is up 


Thursday, March 18, 2021

New Chapter of my life

 We are moving back to Subang after building our life in Penang for the pass 13 years ..... 

Background for the move was to be there for my dad during his fight on cancer. I started to look for opening in Kl/Selangor. However towards end of 2020 , i was really desperate as daddy's needs and condition was getting worst.

I went through like few interviews and honestly it was really taxing and brain draining . Every job interview , i have to go through 2-3 rounds on interviews. First 3 companies , i manage to get through to 2nd interview but no news after that. 

Towards end of Jan , i roughly have high confidence that i will be getting offer on this position  for external PM . Hr from the company ask me to wait as there's a restructure and they are closing this job offer and will open again in near future. I wasn't keen on this job as firstly PM role wasn't something i interested in (bad experience in MSI) and also because is a lady boss.

Than right before CNY , i got a 2nd interview and than 3rd interview and got the job offer... 

When i tender my resignation , i told my boss that i want to relocate back to Subang because i want to spend time with my dad. But now with my dad passing away , i guess the motivation is slightly different.

20% of me looking forward to my new pay !! But 80% of me feeling the resistant to change. 

I think few factors that i reluctant to change :

1. Hannah school and friends. Hannah's teachers in whytehouse are one of the best teachers especially the principle. Hannah is a very fussy eater and Ms Tan did put a lot of effort to try to change Hannah's eating behavior and now she eat things like eggs and tou foo. Hannah also have a whole bunch of evening friends that she enjoy playing with them every evening. Moving back to Subang means Hannah's have to start all over .

2. Current job and new job is both 2 different roles. Changing roles , changing boss , changing company is something huge than if possible i would like to avoid especially at this age. However at least the new job is something i hope i will enjoy better than current role. And my new job is damm far away !! 

3.New friendships all over again . I am going to miss my close friends here especially my steamboat friends , my makeup buddies , my minions friends ....i am going to miss their daily witty conversation so much. I do not know whether will i ever get the same bunch of very good friends in Subang.  

There's so many more things that i wish things remains the same and i wish i do not have to change. However i believe moving back to Subang is part of God's plan. Everything happens for a reason and everything was arrange accordingly. 

I guess i have to trust in him and continue to seek his guidance.

May the next 10 years in Subang will be another great chapter in my life .

Good bye Penang 

Subang !! I am coming back 


Going to this 

From this .... 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Bye Bye Daddy .

I lost one of the most important person last Monday 8 March 2021 at 1am. Daddy has lost his fight to cancer just less than 1 year. 

I clearly remember the day when daddy announce that he has cancer . All of us was sitting on the dining table working. He went to SJMC to collect the result from his biopsy and to review the result from the hospital. He was very calm when he inform us about the bad news. 

2 weeks ago , i got a call from mummy at7.30am in the morning . She ask me to come home fast as daddy might not have much time left. We rush back home to visit him at Pantai Hospital on 3 March 2021. He was already unconscious by that time. All of us are still having hope that he still will get well however Dr did ask us to prepare for the worst. 

Everyday we took turns to visit daddy and trying to encourage him to keep on fighting . On 5 March , mummy trigger us to inform the hospital to bring daddy home. Guess my uncle (mummy's bro) got a dream that my dad will be passing on soon. As a Buddhist practitioner , they do not want the body to be touch after death . We rush to arrange the ambulance , nursing care , oxygen tanks to bring daddy's home.  

Sunday morning, the nurse called me to say that daddy's pressure drop drastically. When i came down to daddy's room , i saw that his eye was already rolling up . The caretaker told us it most likely should not be long anymore. Mummy's and his temple mates was called to do some chanting .
The caretaker was telling us that daddy seems not to able to let go ..and seems that something is holding him back from moving on.

Throughout the whole day and night , we went to talk to him and to comfort him that everything will be taken care off when he is not around. I guess the last few hours , he was well aware . When i was talking to him , he was tearing. I guess maybe he knows he has to move on and will miss all of us here. 

Around 11pm , mummy pull me off and told me not to cry in front of him as he might not able to move on. Honestly i was a bit piss . I mean he is leaving and i am not allowed to cry with him together. I went up at 11something and daddy pass on around 1am .I guess he probably finally not able to hold on any longer because he was clenching his teeth when he leave.

The funeral was held for 3 days and 2 nights @Nirvana Shah Alam.

I know he wasn't in pain for the last few months till last week of his death. I am glad that God did not make him suffer in pain throughout his cancer journey. I am sad that my daddy have to leave us so early of his life. I was already found a job to move back to Subang. I guess my motivation is so that we all can spend more time together and able to take care of him when needed. Guess it's a bit too late 

Get to Know me !!!

14 July 2015 - age 31 , weights 37kg and height of 149cm Loves to eat delicious foods and enjoy reading . Owes 3 female betta fishes , 2 buggies , 1 maltese . You can reach me at :