Sunday, December 22, 2013

2014 Christmas Gift

I always complain to Marcus saying that he seldom shower me with gift ....however he keep denying saying tht he did !

Guess either I am pretty forgetful or he just disillusion from this year onwards i am going to keep track of my giftss ..

This year Christmas present

La Senza Lingerie ....

2 BRAS and 5 Undies(No lacy undies or g-string ) just plain comfortable undies ....

Via Pre Penang

Few weeks ago ...Marcus & I headed over to the FAMOUS Italian Restaurant highly raved and recommended by both bloggers and colleagues . We being trying to find occasion to celebrate and finally found one ...Marcus winning in the Chess Championship Penang.

Sorry for the lousy images quality - it was a surprise so i went un prepared ... all pics are taken with camera phone.

 We were given a basket of bread with olive oil / vinegar dip

 Carbonara - looks very creamy n nice ... first time taste this kind of carbonara
 Some pizza with mushroom - sorry cant remember the name
 Best part of the dinner - Creme Burlee - on FIRE !! Cost RM12 (SO EXP) - however one of the best i ever eaten - very creamy without too strong eggy taste.

Total bill came up to around RM 80

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Marimo , my Japanese Moss Ball

Finally Marimo s have arrived !! Yippie !!
Brought these babies from a seller which I found on 
He is prob the cheapest seller I found online .... cost RM 7/ball . Due to budget constraint , I choose the smallest and cheapest balls , which is only around 1 cm each.

This is the website to the seller for those interested to purchase them : Okeanos E-Aqua

Damm pathetic ... look so small in the large fish bowl

According to google , these babies can only grow 5mm diameter/ year . The oldest Marimo is around 95cm , aged 200 years old .
Marcus was horrified when i told him that ...he was like ...u know how much is 5mm ?? 
DUH!!! i know ....but what to do ...budget constrain ma .  Never mind , I can pass down to my grand children and they can pass down to their grand children and so forth . 

 Example of nice Marimo Terrrarium sold on Etsy 

Japanese believe that Marimo will bring good luck and see it as a symbol of everylasting love.
It also said that taking excellent care of your pet will makes your wishes come true. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Shortie First Christmas Present : Sweater

Shortie got her first Christmas present  : Sweater ....thanks to Marcus's Student mom who went to Korea and shortie a sweater .....

 See ...she so happy she got her first Christmas Present ...

 The christmas sweater comes with a cute hood !!

Good Bye Stewie

Stewie pass away this Tues , 3 Dec 2013 .

Didn't know what happen to him , however he looks pretty sick on Mon night ...his feather looks pretty puff up and he is a bit quiet . My plan is to bring him to the vet after work on Tues .

On Tues afternoon , Marcus suddenly give me a call saying that Stewie is found on the bottom of the cage , dead.

 ( please ignore the box - this is the best box that i can find him my whole house)
 Shortie saying good bye to stewie ( actually he trying to bite him  -- bitch ! )

We send him off with a little prayer into Pantai Jerejak Sea ....hope to see u again soon ....stewie ..gonna miss your wonderful chirping .

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Celebration Dinner

Any good news must always CELEBRATE !!
I have waited so long to dine at this restaurant. This place is called Restaurant Sea Palace located at Pekaka Penang. My first meal here was treated by one of my supplier and this is how i know this place. 

 This is the reason why i wanted to dine at this restaurant- Sharkfin soup with crab meat ... this is the only place i know that serve with real sharkfin . Not to say that I supporting the act of killing sharks for their fin ..but i enjoy eating this delicacy very much ...kinda like my childhood memory thing ...neway i dont think i will be eating anytime soon ...main reason no money ....2nd reason ...don't support killing sharks
This bowl cost RM 15.50

 Thai mango chicken ...RM21 - not bad ..
 Cheese sause prawn ....kudos ....the chef de-shell the prawn.

Lastly - dessert , honeydew sago ...with real honeydew slices ...RM3.5

Not bad for the price ...especially with the sharkfin soup .....
will definitely come again !!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Time to Embrace Our Big Butt

A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt: Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier

Finally , another reason to embrace my big ass and not try to hide them .

Taken from the article :
Scientists from the University of Oxford have discovered that women with larger than average butts are not only increasingly intelligent but also very resistant to chronic illnesses.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Koh Lipe /Langkawi

We took fireflyz from Penang to Langkawi  and we purchase the ticket 1 year ago .

We stayed one night in Langkawi at Casa Fina located in Pantai Cenang , exactly opposite the Sea World .

View from our 1 night stay resort ...pretty decent for RM150/night.
The best part prob is the location of this resort .

We have our dinner at our fav restaurant : Unkaizan located at Pantai Tengah ...somewhere near Ubang Ubang Resort

Sunset view from our seat

Pot of green tea

My teriyaki chicken ....was pretty disappointing.. that the grill salmon not available

KY'S meal ...
Marcus's Udon tempura .... what unique bout this udon is the noodles are handmade and the broth is super favourful

exp kitkat greentea

Get to Know me !!!

14 July 2015 - age 31 , weights 37kg and height of 149cm Loves to eat delicious foods and enjoy reading . Owes 3 female betta fishes , 2 buggies , 1 maltese . You can reach me at :