Monday, December 26, 2011

Tanah Aina Part 3

Next activity of the day is to go for waterfall hiking fun part bout this is u WILL GET WET...........
First part ............hiking through the river

along the hike , you will see interesting stuffs .....

Giant ant.........

As we hike along the path , we can hear the waters flowing

Last part of the hike , to swim towards the big waterfalls ............

Finally , reach the main part of our destination

Dad jumping off the platform 15 meters high

Hiking back to the resort all wet and cold

Upon reaching the hotel , we are served with D24 Grade ORGANIC RESORT GROWN DURIAN

Sis with her durian

Tanah Aini Part 2

More pics of the resort sites ..........
Here is the toilets , modern toilet design with rain shower head .....sadly to say got no heater ......and the water is damm cold ..........

camp site ............


The river that flows through the resort site ...........super duper clean and unpoluted ......

Common dining area

Tanah Aini Part 1

This Christmas 2011 , we plan another yearly trip to Tanah Aina in Bentong Pahang ......Unfortunately mom unable to make it , so we get KY instead .........

If you guys interested in this place , here is the wb:

This is dad , our driver of the journey .........

Our co driver - KY

My sis , project lead/investor and me also another investor of this trip

How to get to this place ??

Em driving all the way towards bentong town ............than go straight until u see this Lee Rubber plant and than turn to urleft into this Jalan Kampung ............

Keep drivin another 14.5km ..........
After 1.5 hours driving from subang........we finally found this sign board :

This is our ride to the camp/resort site ........this 4 wheel drive is called Harimau .......i guess u know why la ....

After another bumpy ride in the harimau .........we reach the resort ..........

Glad tht they welcome us with some welcome drink ...........

Our room for the night .........

This camp is so so cool , they have like proper bed place in the tent.Is like camping but not really camping ..........but somehow u can always tell ur frens tht u go camping , as u really staying in a camp .........

My bed ........nice rite ?

View from my bed

Provided waterbottles for us ...........

Torchlight and some funny leaves ..............unfortunately there are not fan/aircon or TV or light in the tent .............

cont part 2

25 Dec 2011 , Shortie And Elmo Pics

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Weekend shopping spree

My weekend shopping spree up my ultra facial cream since it is finishing soon ......... and finally brought my hand cream from Crabtree and Evelyn .........since it is having 30% sales for members .................................

As we age , our wrinkles tend to develop and unfortunately , not only your face will wrinkled up, your hands , legs and even your neck will start to de-form ........

So , according to expert ..........always and ALWAYS KEEP IT MOIST .........

The Datai Visit

Last day before we headed back to Penang , we drop by at the 5 Star Resort near Tanjung Rhu , The Datai ............

The resort rate per night is a minimum of rm2k ...CRAZY rite ??

Look at the toilet ........there's a pond in there and lots of hand towels for the guests to dry their hands ...........

The pond with lots of frogsssss

Place to wash your feets after a walk on the beach

The most beautiful beach in Langkawi .........this beach is the cleanliness beach on the whole island of langkawi.

Our dream to come here again when we get our rm5k ........... hehehe ......Gambadeh baby ........

However on the way back , the hotel staff told us tht this place is haunted with a lady ghost .... pretty POTONG STIM ..........

Get to Know me !!!

14 July 2015 - age 31 , weights 37kg and height of 149cm Loves to eat delicious foods and enjoy reading . Owes 3 female betta fishes , 2 buggies , 1 maltese . You can reach me at :