Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 - My Memories

2014 !!!
Another wonderful year have pass by and another year to look forward too .... 

Have my ups and downs this year ... is a good thing to recap and remember what have happen throughout last whole year .

Sad- tears flowing moments :
1. Depress on my current job - found out that process engineer in Agilent is more like an admin job , supporting product and test engineers .
Have being trying for the pass 9 months to look for a job however they do not want to pay off my bond . (Is a freaking 27k bond -who the hell would pay tht off) . 

2. Loss my beloved Stewie(Blue Budgie birdie)  

Happy Moments :
1. Added 2 birdies budgies into my family - Stewie(lost stewie last month) and Bryan . 
Added in Sunny to teman Bryan .

2. Added 3 Marimos balls into my family - still looking healthy and happy 

3. Marcus finally have the BALLS to do what he always wanted to do ( of course with MY full support :P) - teach Chess Full Time .I am so happy that Shortie is no longer spend time alone at home however i did wonder whether Marcus got lock her in her pee pee room) 

4.Got involve in another 2 investments - hopefully both are fruitful and added into our financial journey (Huge steps for both of us) - and can sponsor my vet education in near future 

5. Manage to visit few wonderful places , Bali , Koh Lipe and Bangkok with my family 

6.The year ended very well with a blessing from God - new job 

Thank God again for such a wonderful blessing so far . I have been very very blessed by him . 

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Get to Know me !!!

14 July 2015 - age 31 , weights 37kg and height of 149cm Loves to eat delicious foods and enjoy reading . Owes 3 female betta fishes , 2 buggies , 1 maltese . You can reach me at :