Today is my first day at work in Flextronics ........
I waited for the HR gal for nealy 30 minutes ....and we ( few other newbiees ) went to get out new tags ....
the security is so tight that everytime tht I need to pass by 3 security scan ....irritating .....all the handphones tht we owe need to get a sicker on it ...... -_- ....
I got molested few times by the security women ...irritating .....
Staight away , on first day my manager gave me a project ....called K2 .... this project manufacture PC card for sony ericson rite ?? However my project is consider the easiest ....hp manufacturing seems more challenging ..... :P
Neway , i have my first line meeting today . It seems that everyd we will be having line meeting .....1 at 9.30am and another at 4.30pm ....
The meeting attended by about 9 guys and i am the onli gal ....they r so so tall n mature .....make me feel like the kid in this pic ...I feel so small .....

My colleques : lots of indian men .... dunno why also .....n lots of guys my team ...about 12 of us .... there are onli 2 gals n another malay gal ....sienzzz ....
Hopefully they are friendly and will ask me out for lunch again ... :P
Alamak poor girl! Looks like you had a BAD DAY!!