Thursday, December 25, 2014

3% Increment in Osram

I'm going to rant about my this year performance review . I am so f**cking disappointed .
 This is like the one of lowest point in my life .Kindda of feeling pretty lost right now .

Last mon , my boss give me the result for my this year performance . And what i get is 3% .
Da hell !!!  

Even inflation is much higher than this  . Even my tech getting much higher than this !!
This is the lowest i ever get in my whole entire career .
I guess working hard , standing whole day in production line doesn't really count to him or the company .

I hope he get the hint when i told him that even agilent pay me higher than this .
Even tot how much i hated the agilent job , i am now even thinking of going back there . Maybe not as PME but prob in project management

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14 July 2015 - age 31 , weights 37kg and height of 149cm Loves to eat delicious foods and enjoy reading . Owes 3 female betta fishes , 2 buggies , 1 maltese . You can reach me at :