Second Day ........we spend at Chachuncak ........the largest open market in asia ..........We proudly say that we spend the whole day from 9am to 5pm walking the whole market ............other than stopping for lunch for 45 minutes .............
We finish it in one day .........Yippie .........a record ..........we walk until our leg barely carry our body ...........
Marcus & I ready to start our long day shopping in JJ market

Small alley of JJ Market ....... we went there too early at 9am ...most of the shops are not yet open ..........

Highlight form our trip .......we got a local artist to draw our protraits ..............

Our artist ..........damm cute guy ......quiet guy with a superb smile .....

Another interesting things tht we saw in JJ is the pets section ......... so many pets all for SALE........ cheap cheap stuffs ....... nearly 80% cheaper than in Malaysia .......imagine a poodle for rm300 .................
The pic above........ is a rabbit with huge face with a attitude prob.........just got look at her ........she got the tu lan i hate everryone face ..........hahaha .....cant blame her as she got stuck in the cage for hours ........

We brought orange juice ...rm2 ......damm kau expensive ...interesting way of extracting juice

Thais loves to add chilis and fish sauce to their meals ......we see this everywhere we eat

Our superb beef noodles JJ market entrace...........cost us onli RM3.50 per bowl .......

Marcus ..........eating his noodle .........notice tht he is eatin his second bowl. ...........
Contine next post ...............
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