Sunday, May 25, 2008

8 Principles of the Fishing Game

Today I went through some stuffs in and i find this post really interesting. The post is a bout what gals really wan in a man ?? interesting talks about the 8 principles of what gals look for in a men ....

Guys , you should read this .... really true ...interesting tips for singles guys out there ... :P

8 Basic Principles That guys should know :

1)Girls want MEN for sex.

They want people with low self esteem and ego as "friends" to talk about emotions and stuff. Explanation: Girls are not sexually attracted to guys who are so nice to a point where they are effectively friends. Think the guys from Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Effiminate, soft spoken friendly guys. Some end up being "friends" with the girls they are interested in. The unlucky ones end up becoming cuddle b!tches (see definition below)

2)Girls want a guy who is not desperate.

Explanation: Desperation is a sign that a guy is not dominant: the OPPOSITE of an Alpha Male. A desperate guy is not worth chasing.

3)Girls hate to be smothered/suffocated with too much attention.

Explanation: Such attention is a pretty sure sign of insecurity / desperation / weakness / non-dominance. Of course, the guy would say that it is because he loves her bla bla bla... but in reality, she's the only thing he's got going for him. A socially dominant guy does not revolve around his girl. He HAS A LIFE... he pwns others in sports, or makes alot of money.. whatever your definition of social dominance is. Girls are not sexually attracted to guys who dont have a life.

4)Girls like guys who are dominant.

You can be as nice as you want, but as long as you are a "nice" footstool, girls will not be attracted to you. In other words, put your balls on the table and talk and girls would start to respect you and view you as a prospective partner (ie. someone they would like to sleep with. Note: being dominant doesnt mean being a jerk/bad guy.

5)Girls want guys who are the object of desire of other girls.

Explanation: I know it sounds counter-intuitive. If you are a guy who is sought after by other girls, or have the potential to ask out a number of reasonably attractive girls, then the girl that you are interested in would be much more likely to want to go out with you, even if she's already seeing someone else! Assuming that the "someone else" is less socially dominant and less sought after than you.

6)If a girl rejects you. Turn around and dont look back. She may come back if circumstances change. Even if you are rejected initially, take it like a man, ignore her, and eventually she will respect you for ignoring her and may come back when circumstances change.

Explanation: Single girls get more insecure as they get older. They know that their beauty is fading. By their late 20s, seeing how the elligable bachelors are all being snapped up, a slightly above average girl who was a hot catch in her teens, but is still single, will look back at potential partners.

7)Finally, yes. Brains does matter. No girl likes to be the intelectually dominant partner. They want someone they could talk to and get an intelligent response.

Note that the lady mentioned that she does set standards for both character and looks - there is a reason why this is principle no 7 and not principle no 1. Also note that she put "I MUST" in caps. Yes, it's quite an important point. Coming to think of it, I dont know of any guy who's dating a girl significantly more intellectual than he is. Do you? However, keep in mind that intellectual dominance must not be confused with "nice guy" effeminate chitter chatter. Speak wise. She will respect you for it.

8)Yes, basic language/communication skills apply.

Explanation: This story comes from a lady who had numerous guys contact her on MSN over just a few days. She is now considering using audio chat. Why? Simple, you can tell alot about a person from the way they speak. Language is subjective, but approaching a girl in her mother tongue is a good idea. She is disappointed that some guys couldnt even chat properly - they are unlikely to be much better with audio chat - and subsequently, in real life.

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14 July 2015 - age 31 , weights 37kg and height of 149cm Loves to eat delicious foods and enjoy reading . Owes 3 female betta fishes , 2 buggies , 1 maltese . You can reach me at :