Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas Buffet 2018 : Nada Lama Equatorial Penang

Merry Christmas Everyone !!
This year we did not go anywhere .... so to celebrate christmas ...we proceed with the nearest hotel from my house which is Equatorial Penang .

We were lucky to manage to get a seat since i book only on 22 Dec ....
Arrived at the restaurant around 7pm since Baby was too tired and sleep only around 6pm ..

 This is what greet us at the table .
Was please with the extra effort on the party hat , party pack and christmas cookies take away ...
We went here 2 years ago and these offered .
Kudos to Equatorial Team .....

 Ginger Cream Burlee
 Christmas log
 More christmas cookies

 Local delicacies : asam laksa
 Dim sum....

 sushi ...

 Turkey roast with stuffings

 satays - beef and chicken

 Round 1 :
 Surprise - free a glass of red , white wine or a beer .
You can also top up rm30 for unlimited flow of  red , white wine or a beer . Which i think is a damm good deal.

 Round 2

 She is so happy with her ice cream
 Round 3

 Finale : Ice kacang

Christmas buffet dinner is at RM148 per person including a glass of wine
Hannah is free
choices of foods is OK !!
Marcus got food poisoning which we suspect is either the prawn or one of the seafoods .... which is unfortunate ....
However overall i did enjoy it

Saturday, December 22, 2018

2018 Reflection

Another year have pass and it's time to reflect back and be thankful for whatever have happen .
Looking back in 2018 , another year to be thankful to God and all glory to him .

Many of the things to be thankful in 2018 :
1.Graduated from my makeup certification after 2 years of hard work . Not easy to have a full time job , juggling parenting and study at the same time ya.

2. Blessed to be back in Osram and yay !! no KULIM !!!

3. Kick start my makeup career as a makeup artist @ wumugroup and @jennychuamakeup
Do check out my website at

4. Growth of Marcus Chess Academy
5. Thankful that my parents , M's parents and all our loves ones are healthy 

Next year 2019 to look forward to :

1. Yearly travel with parents to Tasmania/Melbourne
2. Continue to grow Marcus Chess Academy
3. Continue to grow my makeup profiles

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Bangkok 2018 : Vince Hotel Pratunum

The sister trip to Bangkok , we stayed at Vince Hotel which is located near Pratunum area.
Stayed here for 4 days 3 nights.
Paid around RM300 plus per person including hotel.
Main reason we choose this hotel is because of the breakfast !
More pics of the food varieties later

 very comfortable super single bed

 very clean
 Breakfast spread here is superb . Can compare to 4-5 stars hotel.

 Bacon !!! and HAM!!!

 juices and teas

 They have 2 other sections - one which is halal and another which is vege

 old skool 90s design

 1st round during 1st day
 2nd round

Ohhh ya they do provide shutter to the nearest BTS or pratunum .
Not very convenience esp for shoppers.
Might not stay here again if we able to find somewhere better .

Get to Know me !!!

14 July 2015 - age 31 , weights 37kg and height of 149cm Loves to eat delicious foods and enjoy reading . Owes 3 female betta fishes , 2 buggies , 1 maltese . You can reach me at :