After few minutes of deep thought ...finally decide to proceed with the idea ....since this is my first pay ....... must well enjoy it first rite b4 i need to save next month ....
End up i choose something with white background ....-The other lady that doing my nail is horrible ....she seems impatent and doesn't seems to help in assisting me in choosing the design .
Final Result .....
Nice nice ?? i think is cute ....hehee !! However i won't doing it anymore ...cos it not worth it at all ...... their workmanship is not as nice as the nail display showed and i think i can even DIY myself f i make the effort to . The whole thing cost me about rm 66 .I think by using that money i can buy like more than 10 nail polish .
Hehhee!! Someone so free go and do her nails... Hahaha!